Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Little background

   Since I could remember, I struggled with self harm; it started in sixth grade and stuck ever since, I felt very alone and like I didn’t know who I was. My bullies from the past constantly haunted me and I’ll never forget the day that I had enough. When I was younger, I tried not to think about the bullying, I had a handful of friends most of which were also shunned out or even bullied, but never as much as me. I was bullied because I was bigger, because I didn’t like the same things as other girls, because I wasn’t as attractive, because I wasn’t as popular, because I wasn’t exactly what society considered...acceptable, because I tried to fit in too much. I couldn’t help wanting to have friends, nor could I help the fact that I was an outcast. I lied to try and be someone else, I lied so people would accept me, I lied and soon enough, I begun to believe my own lies. I was becoming my lies. I confound myself in guys and weed before anything and thought that if guys accepted me then no one else really mattered, not even my own family. I thought if all their attention was on me, I felt like if I couldn’t have the one person I wanted, I would have every other person. I soon realized; these guys weren’t my friends, they were using me, using me to feel me up, discreetly and allowed them. I didn’t respect myself, I didn’t know my self-worth and they didn’t respect me. I was smoking regularly and I was only in 7th grade, I was allowing guys to disgrace my body...I wasn’t happy with myself though, I wasn’t myself, somewhere along the way, through all the bullying, lies, guys and fog, I lost myself and now I was a nobody, trying to be somebody. It took me two years to completely destroy myself. And rebuild myself with a single band. But, I’m not going to go into that...yet. Nor am I going to open the can of worms that holds the guy who brought me to my knees in mercy with tears in my eyes. I experienced what I think is too much for a girl of 12-13 years old. When I was in 8th grade, I felt more experienced and did what I thought was right which in the end was completely wrong. By 8th grade, I had completely worn out the ‘L’ word and basically had no exact emotions toward guys-or anyone at that left. Except for that one guy that spared me no mercy and tore my heart apart in a million different directions. He didn’t feel the same for me though so that made me mad, it made me want to throw up in anger and it made me take my pain out on myself, I’d have break downs and destroy my room, for no reason. My wrists were soon consumed by scars and scratches from that cold blade that immediately turned warm once the blood started flowing. It wasn’t enough; I had all this pent up anger toward everyone that I couldn’t speak to anyone without spewing a million curse words at them. I hurt my mom and all the people that mattered to me. I turned my mother against me and life at home would get worse and worse with every argument we’d have. I hated looking at myself in the mirror, I hated the person I saw and no matter how deep I looked into my eyes, and concentrated on looking inside my soul, I couldn’t find myself, my REAL self, not the monster I had made or even become over the years. Metaphorically, my heart felt like it was gushing, the pain from the bleeding burned and I felt nearly every scar I had inflicted on myself even worse.
                The night I stopped, it took so much in me. I remember everything so vividly. I locked myself in my room-after I had already torn it to shreds- with a butchers knife and swore to myself that I had had enough, I wanted to stop right there. I had only known about this band before, I’ve heard their music, but when I heard this song, I found an inner strength. I know how cliché this sounds, but this is true. I played the song over and over again, until the words really sunk into my skull. I dropped the knife and after putting my room back together, I cried myself to sleep. I’m proud to say that I woke up the next morning, my wrists did look like they went through a cheese grader, but I was there, and I felt lighter. I went to school that morning, wearing a large jacket to hide all those cuts but I’ll never forget how and when they were pointed out...I was hanging out with that very guy who gave me no mercy...when this girl, she turns around and impolitely asks me...”Don’t you cut?” He heard that, how couldn’t he of heard that? I couldn’t believe that I couldn’t keep it together for one or two minutes I said, “I, no, it was my rabbit,” and those next words she said tore into me...like daggers, “Ha-ha, yeah right,” I couldn’t breath...I didn’t want to breath. I couldn’t let myself cry in front of him, he’d surely know it was true, I shrugged it off and waited until I got home...I watched tons of videos on the lead singer of the band’s view on self harm, the entire band...their views on it. The words I heard, and read, stuck in my mind and those were the words that got me through the night without self-harm. The next couple of weeks I remember were the hardest. But, as soon as school was out, I felt it much easier. All that struggling with me took its toll on my grades, I repeated that year. At least I had gotten away from that girl.
                Repeating 8th grade may have been the best thing that ever happened to me because for a year, I slowed down, for a year I hardly took a blade to my wrists, I didn’t cry, I was better, my grades only somewhat improved because lets face it, although I was getting better mentally, I was still the same stupid underachiever. I made more friends than any year id been in school, I went from having two, three friends in elementary school to having several fake, guys in my life, to having a good group of close friends. I had a close group of friends before..But they left me and there was no way to contact each other. I guess it was best.
                Once I moved on to 9th grade, I felt refreshed, my house caught on fire that summer, I was in and out of the hospital, I ended up spending a week in there and living with relatives but once I went back to school, it was like I was reborn..Sort of. I had a much better out-look on life, I was rarely ever hurting myself, I seemed to be getting better. Until I fucked up...one thing I learned is...NEVER lie to your doctors about how bad your pain is. I said my pain after my surgery (which I failed to mention) was extremely intense and they have me, a 15 year old oxycodone. I guess I thought it was cool to be taking these pills that made me feel so strange and numb. They immediately started to have weird side affects and I would feel myself, literally, id twitch and be completely out of it. I ended up giving them to a guy who was being very nice to me; complimenting me, giving me attention, he asked for them one day and I did, all of them, I gave him all my pills and he got into a fight with his mom...And took them all. He didn’t die, but he could have. I got kicked out of school, I had to take meetings for drugs, go to a drug rehab school. The school had one class room, about 15 computers, 12 students, one window and it was quite all day except for the 30/45 minutes we had for lunch where we were forced into weird activities. We sat at our computers all day and did work non-stop. I thankfully completed my program in about 2 months and was able to go back to normal school. Those two months though, two months of only being around 13 people including my teacher, barely speaking to anyone kinda took a toll on me and I been came extremely anti-social and nervous around people, I was so scared to go back to normal school, I was terrified from what I had gone through, I was shaken up and as you can probably guess I went back into hurting myself at full force, it was worse than ever before. I talked to my guidance counselor and she helped me tell my mom. It was a scary thing, coming out about this...It was painful. Her reaction was not what I wanted nor expected and her response was to take me to go see this band that I have previously mentioned. At that show...i handed the lead singer an envelope, inside was a letter and my last razor.
                Months passed three to be exact and in those three months I was self-harm free. Until December one night I was left alone and someone on the internet had sent me hate mail and those three months, down the drain.  Three months meant a lot to me when I was at such a point in life where I couldn’t see my life moving on passed 22.
                I met a guy after that who turned my world right-side up, then left it worse than before. He was around for about 4 months and taught me how to restrict my feelings and pace myself, he taught me how to deal with a long-distance relationship. And I learned I can’t handle those. But when he left I felt my world shatter it took me not even three minutes to find a blade and slice myself open...All over a guy. I was ashamed. I did everything in my power to fix it, I blamed it on myself, I hardly ate or slept properly for a while. I was worse than when I started. He eventually crept his way out of my mind. I felt once again, lighter.

                I’ve realized...to be truly happy and light without the help of anyone else, I need to be completely torn apart and squashed. To be truly happy, I have to find inner peace, but right now, I’m truly happy with both the help of someone and myself. I do feel as though I’d fall apart if he left me. I know I would. That’s why I’ll do everything in my power to not let that happen to me this time. I’m completely at peace with myself. I’m nearly 4 months clean of self-harm, I’m in a great emotional place and as for my mental stability, well, im still working on being alone, being home alone that is. If ever im by myself, I start losing it and have bad thoughts, I have controlled my anxiety more, and my depression and for the most part all is well...finally! I’m only a Junior in high school.

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